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MESSIAH BEN JOSEPH | Suffering Servant in the Life of Joseph

When I read about the life of Joseph, I see YAHUSHUA! (Hebrew for Jesus) I weep tears of sadness and great joy, knowing what my PRECIOUS MESSIAH endured for my salvation.

I see prophetically what YAHUSHUA would have to go through and how he was betrayed. That is why the life of Joseph is one of the most remarkable periods of mankind and one of my favorite stories in GOD’S Word.

joseph_soldJoseph was made to know heart-wrenching betrayal and profound loss as he was rejected and betrayed by his own blood brothers because of jealousy and sold as a slave to those who took him to a foreign land. There he was met with false accusations and imprisonment. His life seemed hopeless and ruined.

Joseph was also made to know overwhelming freedom and priceless redemption as he was delivered from prison and made to be second under the king because of the gift that YAHUVEH GOD had given him to interpret dreams.

He was used by GOD to save his family during a worldwide catastrophic famine. His brothers came to buy food and he used this opportunity to test their hearts to see whether they were sorry for what they did to him.

joseph_revealsThey did not recognize who was standing before them, but when they showed regret, Joseph revealed himself and their was great joy among them. Joseph was re-united with his brothers and soon his father came to see him. He told them GOD allowed them to do what they did so he could have this high position in order to save them from the famine (Genesis 45:1-8).

Personally, what causes me tears of joy, and what I love, is when Joseph reveals himself and he weeps greatly because of his love for his brothers!!

The life of Joseph is an incredible, prophetic picture of the MESSIAH.

The following is just a VERY small comparison between Joseph and YAHUSHUA. There are too many to show here!

Stripped of their clothing:

  • Joseph was stripped of his coat of many colors (Genesis 37:23).
  • YAHUSHUA’S garments were taken from HIM (Matthew 27:35).

Punished with two criminals:

  • The chief cupbearer and chief baker were imprisoned with Joseph (Genesis 40:2-3).
  • YAHUSHUA was crucified between two thieves (Matthew 27:38).

Warned of coming tribulation:

  • Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dream from GOD which foretold of a 7 year famine (Genesis 41:30-31).
  • YAHUSHUA has warned about the Great Tribulation or the Time of Jacob’s Trouble (Matthew 24, Jeremiah 30:7).

Filled with the HOLY SPIRIT:

  • Pharaoh recognized that the SPIRIT of GOD was in Joseph (Genesis 41:38).
  • After HIS baptism, YAHUSHUA went into the wilderness full of the HOLY SPIRIT (Luke 4:1).

Exalted to the highest position under the King:

  • Joseph was made ruler of Egypt under Pharaoh (Genesis 41:40-44).
  • YAHUSHUA was exalted to the right hand of GOD the FATHER (Acts 2:32-33, 1 Corinthians 15:27-28).

Both had a plan for the salvation of mankind:

  • Joseph told Pharaoh what to do to save the people from the famine (Genesis 41:33-36).
  • YAHUSHUA shed HIS BLOOD on the cross for our sins and has told us to repent and live holy so we can be saved from hell (John 14:6, Luke 10:25-28, Hebrews 9:12).

There is a shocking similarity between the life of Joseph the Patriarch and YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH that is extremely important and pertinent to these end times. I didn’t want to include it here because it needs its own post. Please click on this link to read about the NAME of MESSIAH – Jesus and Joseph.

YAHUSHUA_mary_resurrectionGOD ALMIGHTY often uses people’s lives as symbols of things to come (Zechariah 3:8). With Joseph we see the Suffering MESSIAH while in the life of David we see the Conquering MESSIAH.

Again, Joseph suffered so that he could save his family and ultimately the future nation of Israel which showed how YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH would come to pay the death penalty for mankind’s sins with HIS Life so we could be saved from eternal damnation. For a person to be saved they must ask YAHUSHUA to forgive them of their sins and turn away from them. HE will then live HIS life through them by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.

It is very exciting to me to see the life of YAHUSHUA my MASHIACH pictured in the lives of GOD’S children. It allows me to further understand HIS Plan of Redemption for mankind and I feel closer to my MESSIAH.

crossIf YAHUVEH GOD has shown you any other correlations between Joseph and YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, please put them in the comment section below. I would also like to hear how this touches your heart.

