The shofar is bent, and this can symbolize humility and repentance before GOD.
There are essentially three types of sounds made with the shofar. When you listen, meditate on your life and repentance etc. How do these different sounds relate to your spiritual life, or how are they prophetic in general?
There is also tekiah gdolah is basically a long tekiah—often held until there is no more breath left!
It may be difficult to distinguish the different sounds on this particular recording, however one of the main ideas is the sound of repentance.
The blowing of the ram’s horn is linked to Genesis 22, about the binding of Isaac by Abraham, which is the traditional passage for Yom Teruah and worth studying on this day. How does this passage relate to the above sounds, and to Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur? (Hints: think of Atonement etc.)