Here’s a beautiful testimony of 23 years old Brother Goran, from Serbia.
I have never previously done any video [or blog post]. I never did a recording, so this is my first time.
I do feel a little bit strange but the GOD OF THE HOLY BIBLE, the CREATOR OF HEAVENS & EARTH, YAHUVEH [Hebrew name of GOD i.e. YAHWEH] has put in my heart to make this video.
To make this video as testimony of how HE has brought me to Salvation through HIS SON YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH who many know by the Greek name of Jesus! And how HE led me with HIS HOLY SPIRIT/RUACH ha KODESH to Salvation in YAHUSHUA and to getting to know HIM and to getting to know the Truth.
So I will make this video short, as short as I can—however YAH leads me—and I intend to make longer videos in the future.
I want this to be a short but important testimony, as well as encouragement to YAH’S Children, as well as a rebuke to YAH’S enemies.
I want to testify with my words – and I hope and pray, I testify with my whole life and my all deeds and thoughts and all feelings – that Almightywind Ministry is a true, Holy Ministry ordained from Heaven, owned by YAHUVEH GOD HIMSELF, by YAHUSHUA HA MASHAICH HIS SON and by PRECIOUS MOMMA RUACH HA KODESH!
I want to testify that this Ministry—AlmightyWind Ministry—is GOD’S OWN Ministry ordained before the foundations of the earth to bring souls to YAHUSHUA in these End Times and to be a tester of metals!
And I want to testify with my words—and I hope I will always testify to this with my deeds—that Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah is a true Prophet of YAHUVEH GOD and is a Holy Ordained Prophet from Heaven who is Elijah of New, who is paving the Way for YAHUSHUA HA MASHAICH to return in HIS soon Coming.
I want to share in short how YAHUVEH GOD brought me to this Ministry, because that happened after my first prayer to HIM in my life. I prayed to GOD that HE reveal HIMSELF to me, because I didn’t know if HE is a person or not, so I didn’t pray to HIM earlier in my life—because I thought of HIM as some energy, force of love, of creation, but I didn’t think that HE is PERSON, so I didn’t talk to HIM or pray to HIM.
But the first time I did—in the coming days, maybe in the coming week—HE has brought me to the Prophecy which HE gave to Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah, and HE has brought me to that Prophecy on YouTube.
I know that I was researching GOD’S Name and I have found out that HE has a Name and I have found out that it is the “Tetragrammaton” as some call it which are the four letters in Hebrew language which are [pronounced] YAHUVEH, or YAHWEH. And I was researching about those letters to find out the right pronunciation of them. By searching for that on Google, YAH led me to a YouTube video, which is a live recording of a Prophecy given to Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah.
And whoa! When I remember this… It is such a strong conviction indeed! Because straight away YAH’S RUACH HA KODESH, HIS SPIRIT—straight away, SHE was convincing me that I’m hearing YAH’S Voice, I’m really hearing the Voice of ALMIGHTY GOD YAHUVEH. And that conviction was so strong that I haven’t even watched the half of the video—maybe I did watch the half of the video—but I know that I’ve paused it and I fell on my face. I started crying with [such] great emotions and I accepted YAHUSHUA HA MASHAICH as my SAVIOR, as my LORD, as my KING and I repented to HIM for all the sins done in past. That very moment when I first got to know anything about HIM!
I had never read any verse from the Bible. I had never read the Bible before that. I didn’t know anything about HIM. But in the first minutes of hearing HIS Voice, I was all HIS! I was on my face, stretched on the ground, crying and repenting to YAHUSHUA, WHO I didn’t believe in five minutes ago!
And let me point this out. I was really stubborn, rebellious, narcissistic kid. This happened back in 2012, in August 2012. I was so puffed up in pride—the humbleness was far away from me, it was unknown to me. But at that moment, I was the humblest—in my whole life. I have never felt like that. But since the conviction was so strong I’ve let it flow and I cried then so much—I think that those were first tears in my life after 3 or 4 years perhaps.
And from that moment on, nothing is the same! From that moment on, my life was changing day by day, week by week, month by month.
The purification process which YAHUVEH God did thorough me and still does through me in my case was not a short one, but it was ongoing and is still ongoing as much as I’m connected with HIS Ministry. Because the more I have read the Prophecies, the more I have read the Blogposts, the more I have spoken to the members of Almightywind Ministry—the more anointed I was, the more holy I was.
Because it is a Holy Ministry of GOD after all! And it is God HIMSELF who does great, great, great miracles and great wonders and beautiful, beautiful things through this Ministry. Because it is HIS Ministry and HE cares much about it. And HE made it in order to bring souls to YAHUSHUA in these End Times. And HE made this Almightywind Ministry to be a tester of metals. To be a blessing to those whose names are written in the LAMB’S Book of Life and to be a curse to those whose names are not found there, and who are the enemies of YAH. And this Ministry brings Truth to both of them!
And this Ministry has brought me the Truth of WHO YAHUVEH is, of WHO YAHUSHUA is, of WHO PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH is. This Ministry taught me almost everything I know! This Ministry with the Prophecies from Heaven given to Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah changed my life completely! Completely! And this testifies that fruits of this Ministry are good fruits!
Because this Ministry teaches the importance of repentance and turning away from all sins, and teaches the importance of daily repentance and the importance of not sinning purposely! This Ministry teaches the importance of acknowledging YAHUSHUA’S Jewishness; of keeping the Sabbath holy which is Friday sunset until Saturday sunset/sundown. This Ministry teaches the importance of keeping the Holy Feasts, and this Ministry teaches the importance of obedience unto YAHUVEH GOD and teaches the Truth about YAHUVEH GOD—WHO HE is.
And it is all backed up by the Scriptures. It is all backed up by the Bible. And nothing that is in this Ministry can be any different from what is in the Holy Bible and vice-versa.
Because let’s put it like this…
If this Ministry is from satan—as some mad people say—then why would satan encourage people to live holy, to abandon all their sins, to be obedient unto YAH? Why would the one who rebelled, and is in rebellion, teach people and encourage them not to be rebellious unto YAHUVEH GOD?
By using the common sense and logic even—to put it on that level—you cannot say with your common sense and logic that this Ministry is from satan. Because he [satan] would lead people astray, he would lead people by lying them away from GOD—he wouldn’t lead people to GOD!
But even if we acknowledge this, the most important is that we should test the spirit which speaks. We should always test this. So we should test the fruit of anyone or anything which speaks to us, as YAHUSHUA commanded us.
So by testing the fruits of this Ministry we cannot conclude that it has any, any bad fruit. It has no worms in the fruit it provides and bring forth! Because all the fruits of this Ministry, of Almightywind Ministry of YAHUVEH GOD ALMIGHTY are good fruits, holy fruits, filled with RUACH HA KODESH, filled with an Anointing on such a great level that human mind cannot even comprehend that holiness!
And I testify with my life—that Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah, Mom Kathrynyah and her husband Adam, and all the associate and youth ministers and all the “YAHUSHUA’S demon stompers” and everyone who is in this Ministry—I testify with my life that those people are the most anointed and most holy people I know in my life!
And also I know that there can’t be any more anointed people in this world right now!
Not because—let me put this straight—not because their works, not because what they are. But because YAHUVEH’S Work, and because what YAHUVEH is, and because what YAHUSHUA is and because what RUACH HA KODESH is and what SHE does! And because of their Anointing it is that those people I mentioned are so anointed.
So all Praise, Honor and Glory goes to YAH. But is their anointing through these people which testifies that they are pleasant unto YAHUVEH GOD. Because YAHUVEH wouldn’t anoint with such Anointing someone who is not HIS. So the existence of such Anointing is a proof that those people are YAH’S Chosen People, and that they are YAHUSHUA’S Bride!
And HALLELU YAH that this is so!
Because this proves that all the members of this Ministry are holy because YAH is Holy, but they do their part by striving to be holy and to stay holy and to obedient unto YAH and to be pleasant unto HIM with their daily lives and deeds and thoughts. And this is made possible because fruits of this ministry are like that. It is so because YAHUVEH GOD through HIS Holy Words from Heaven given to Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah teaches us how important it is to keep HIS Laws, to keep HIS Shabbat, to keep HIS Holy Days, to be obedient unto HIM, to seek HIM, to listen to HIS Voice, to accept YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as our LORD, as our KING, as our GOD and to give our lives to HIM because HE Redeemed us and our lives belong to HIM anyway. But YAHUVEH teaches us through the Prophecies of AlmightyWind Ministry how important it is to put HIM in the first place and to have no other gods before HIM or beside HIM. And it is this—putting YAHUVEH’S first—which makes members of AlmightyWind Ministry what they are!
So I want to finish this video by concluding that Almightywind Ministry is Holy Ministry of YAH Almighty and that the fruits of this Ministry are good fruits, because it is by the works, and power, and anointing, and holiness, and boldness, and courage, and strength, and might of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & MOMMA RUACH HA KODESH that Ministry stands. And no weapon formed against it can prosper! No weapon!
No enemy can destroy this Ministry or hinder this Ministry longer than a second! They cannot! Why? Because it is YAHUVEH’S Ministry and HE personally protects it and HIS Holy Angels protect and keep safe everyone who is in this Ministry. And this is also a proof that this Ministry is Holy and it is from YAHUVEH—because it is still standing after 27 years of its existence and after 20 years on the internet, it is still standing!
But not just that—it is more anointed than ever! It is bigger than ever! It reaches out to so many languages! It has so many members who are Holy, who are anointed, who are called forth by YAHUVEH to get themselves cleaned for YAHUSHUA because they are HIS Bride, because this Ministry is associated with the Bride of YAHUSHUA!
And I believe this is my heart: that the Bride of YAHUSHUA in these End Times is composed of members of this Ministry and those who are blessed by this Ministry and similar Ministries of YAHUVEH GOD because this Ministry is not the only one. There are other Prophets and other Ministries but there is no greater Ministry then this one!
And this not because the works of those who are in it, this is because YAHUVEH GOD chose so. And who can stand in HIS way and who can say to YAHUVEH GOD “You are wrong! This is not right, you choose badly”?
No! YAHUVEH God is perfect in all HIS ways, in all HE does and all HE thinks and HIS will is perfect and HE chose this Ministry to be greatest Ministry in these End Times and to reach souls and bring them to YAHUSHUA because HE wanted to make it so.
And it is HIS Anointing that makes this Ministry what it is!
So no one can boast, no one can be full of pride here because it is all YAHUVEH’S Work, it is all YAHUSHUA’S Work, it is all RUACH ha KODESH’S Work!
In these End Times this Ministry reaches to four corners of the world in so many languages and brings so many souls to YAHUSHUA and it gets stronger and stronger and every time enemy attacks it it will be stronger. And every time someone try to bring it down he will lift it up instead, because YAHUVEH God will turn anything bad that enemies into good for HIS Children.
Halellu YAH, Hallelu YAH!
The video ended up being too long so I had to cut it and to finish this with the words of thanks and the word of love and words of encouragement to my Brothers [and Sisters]:
Hold on to the Hem of YAHUSHUA’S Garment. Do not let go! Do not let go of your blessed hope! Hold on tight to it! YAHUSHUA is coming and we should all focus on getting us cleaned so we can stand before HIM without spot and wrinkle, so we can be HIS Bride.
And I pray to you ABBA YAHUVEH in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH that everyone from this Almightywind Ministry will be found worthy to be your Bride and to be caught up with you in Heaven in the clouds when you come to rescue your Bride!
In the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH I pray that all the enemies of this Ministry will repent and realize who much wrong they did because they do not attack mere man or mere woman they attack YOU, WHO sent them. So I pray that they repent but if they don’t repent then I pray for their swift destruction.
I pray that YOU bring them down and that YOU bring your Almighty Wrath to them; so that Deuteronomy 28 can be fulfilled: so that blessings can go to those who love YAH and are obedient unto HIM and the curses can go to those who hate YAH and are rebellious unto HIM. In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Name. Amen!